319 Scholes Gallery - Brooklyn, NY

Psyche depicts an amorphous human that shifts into a neuron-like sphere as it is viewed from different positions. A transformation and transition of the body, and a shift in focus from the body to the mind. The figure is a 3D scan of my body that I manipulated with code to mutate and curl in on itself, and the sphere was created with rules describing how neurons in the mind grow.
Techne is a landscape made of flesh, blood and bones, although many of the references beyond the bloodcells are obfuscated. I wanted to sample western landscape paintings, depictions of frontiers and contested territories, as they relate to the body, which itself has become a territory for transformation and colonization in the 21st century. Perhaps geneticists and bioengineers are analogous to the explorers of the American West who were driven by curiosity, and a lust for the beauty that was unfolding before them, regardless of the consequences of their explorations. This particular holographic technology was funded by DARPA to map battlefields, which ties itself strongly back to the lineage of painting as a means of telling, or retelling history from the eyes of the victors of military conquest.
"Many of today’s conflicts occur in urban settings, making the ability to visualize conditions in urban areas increasingly important to commanders and mission planners." - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
"FUTUREMYTH" at 319 Scholes