Foam, resin, fiberglass, aluminum, neoprene
72 x 24 x 6 inches

Escape Vehicle 001 is an escape vehicle for the apocalypse, both the positive transcendent apocalypse, and the doomsday, end of the world apocalypse. The idea originated from a sketch of a dirtbike I did, covered in canisters of extra fuel, survival tools, and covered in ornate gold floral patterns and bold graphics. I started thinking about other more impractical escape vehicles and I loved the idea of more of an existential escape vehicle, something you could use to surf the chaos of the world and experience transcendence with.
The front references the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °C (SR15) and juxtaposes the global temperature graph with stock trading pricing diagrams where typically stock traders try to annotate what events caused market movement. I extended this graph to include the concept of Nick Bostrom's graphs on exponential growth and global collapse, a notable futurist and philosopher who runs the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford. Additionally "vaya con dios" is a reference to the end of the 1991 film Point Break, in which a fugitive escapes his fate in jail by riding a surfboard into a giant storm thus ending his life.
The rear largely references the military document the Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment written under the direction of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff describing how the US military should coordinate and operate with other US government entities while conducting warfare globally. A cube like diagram is directly sampled from the JIPOE, a truly manic diagram trying to describe and encapsulate far too much information. Much like ancient cosmology diagrams, we have some sense something much bigger is happening at a systems level, but the way we're describing them is mostly illustrating our inability to describe and understand them. I see them quite similarly to Paul Laffoley's amazing psychedelic paintings, and so I've expanded the JIPOE diagram to include existential and metaphysical domains beyond the scope of the US military.